All Hair Transplants Are Not Created Equal

The techniques used for treating patients with thinning hair and hair loss have gone through some major changes. To help restore the density of the hair, patients with thinning or advanced hair loss, are treated with the latest combined techniques. In addition to maintaining a natural look, our goal is to regrow hair so that it does not appear to be thinning or resemble an antiquated hair transplant technique. For men and women with little to large amounts of hair loss, we utilize the new combination method which uses single hair grafts, and follicular unit transplants which help achieve a better restoration.
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
Hair restoration can be done with Follicular Unit Transplantation. This procedure involves the transplantation of one hair graft at a time. Each hair graft may consist of one to four hairs. The objective of FUT method is to restore hair to how it naturally occurs in nature. The most commonly used one is the “strip harvesting technique”. The strip harvesting method involves the removal of a thin strip of hair from the back of the scalp and side of the head. The area where the hair is harvested from is known as the “donor” site. The gap in the donor site would then be sewed together to close up the opening. There will be a linear scar from the strip procedure. Hair surrounding the donor site covers the incision, making it less visible. From the donor strip, the grafts are dissected under a special microscope. Each graft may contain one to four hair follicles. Once the dissection is done, the hair grafts are ready to be placed in the recipient’s bald or thinning scalp area.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
Our doctor is an FUE specialist in California. The FUE procedure is one of the newest methods in hair transplantation. This procedure is sometimes referred to as “the no visible linear scar” hair restoration method. Instead of removing a single strip of hair, the FUE method allows the extraction of hair grafts without leaving a linear line of scar tissue. This is accomplished by using a special tool. The procedure begins with shaving the hair in the back of the head. From this area, the hair grafts are then extracted one-by-one, and transplanted to the recipient’s bald or thinning scalp area. Full yield of follicular unit extraction depends on the type of FUE tool and the experience of the doctor. With the FUE procedure, a very small wound in the donor site is visible due to the area being shaved. Because the size of the wound is too small, they are generally left open to heal on their own. It usually takes about one to two weeks for the wound to heal. Our successful procedure helps men suffering from the devastating effects of hair loss. Our goal is to offer our clients a natural hairline and look and much as possible. In the past, the front hairline of hair restorations could be harsh and unnatural looking. MHTA has developed specific techniques and a special tool for greater efficiency without destroying hair follicles. We stand out above others in our field because of our specialty in FUE. Our procedure is state of the art and offers a soft and most natural looking front hairline that has ever been developed.[read more]
Who can benefit from hair transplant?
Anyone who has permanent hair loss may be a potential candidate for hair transplant surgery, including:
  • Men with male pattern baldness
  • Women with female pattern hair loss
  • Both men and women who would like to modify or restore their hairline
  • Individuals with scarring from injuries such as skin burns, skin diseases, and face lifts
  • Individuals who wish to have their eyebrows thicker, or re- shape their beard (facial hair transplant)
  • Men and women who want hair restoration in certain areas of their body
  • Individuals who want to fix “old plugs”
Contact us to see if you are a good candidate for hair transplant surgery. The technology and techniques in hair transplants have advanced tremendously.